Own the way that's made for PCO drivers
Available Pre-owned PCO Flexi Own Vehicles 4-year Plans
Available Pre-owned PCO Flexi Own Vehicles 5-Year Plans
What's included in our Flexi Own plans?
With Splend's Flexi Own plans you not only get a brand new car, but all your ongoing ownership costs are also covered - registration, replacement tyres and breaks scheduled servicing, maintenance and more – all for one weekly payment, all in one place.
Did you know experts agree owning your car is the better financial decision for the long term?
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Flexi Own
Our best plan for PCO drivers ready to own their own vehicle.
Option to own your car
PHV damage and loss cover
PHV licence
Car tax and MOT
Scheduled servicing
Replacement tyres
Replacement brakes
24/7 roadside assistance
Free PCO approved courtesy car
Up to 4 weeks annual payment holiday relief
Dedicated customer support
Referral bonuses
Did you know experts agree owning your car is the better financial decision for the long term?
What happens if I change my mind?
We think you’ll love your ‘pre-loved’ PCO car which you will own at the end of your subscription. However, we know that circumstances can change, which is why Flexi own customers can return their car for no additional charge after the minimum term.
Your Questions about Used Flexi Own Answered
You must be at least 23 years old
Hold a full UK driver’s licence with at least 24 months of driving experience (5 years if you’re under 25 years old)
Be a permanent UK resident, having lived in the UK for the past 12 months
Have a good driving record
Please note: Depending on your level of professional driving history, we will guide you on eligibility of vehicles.
We offer new-model fully electric cars (EV) on flexible ownership terms. All models are compliant with PCO driving and on-demand delivery regulations and come with a valid private hire vehicle(PHV) licence as well as fully comprehensive damage and loss and other ongoing ownership costs like scheduled servicing and maintenance items like replacement tyres and brakes.
Check out our current vehicle available on Flexi Own here.
All cars come with all the up-to-date PCO documentation, so they’re ready for Uber driving and other on-demand work.
As part of your Flexi Own plan, we cover your scheduled servicing, brake and tyre normal wear replacement that is expected of travelling within the mileage limit.
Any unfair wear and tear excess usage is not covered to keep our weekly prices as low as possible for our customers. Refer to a Splend representative to understand inclusions these on your contract.
You must ensure your car is maintained to the manufacturer’s servicing schedule, which can be found online as well as the car’s log book in the glovebox. Each scheduled manufacturer’s service should be completed within 500 miles of being due. Your car will be off the road for up to one working day during this time.
Splend customers also enjoy 24/7 roadside assistance, for things like:
· Flat or faulty battery
· Emergency fuel
· Flat tyres
· Towing
· Unlocking the car
Additionally, all Splend cars come with factory manufacturer’s warranty to cover the cost of most defects. To support the accurate diagnosis of any issue, customers are required to attend a manufacturers service outlet to demonstrate the fault. Splend will provide a replacement vehicle pending availability in the event of extended repair times due to part delays.
However, it’s our customers’ responsibility to cover all repairs not under warranty, including but not limited to punctures, panel damage, and all other non-wear-and-tear items.
Flat tyres are not considered as a normal wear and tear item in our servicing/maintenance or damage and loss cover programs. Punctures can either occur in an accident or through specific driving circumstances to each driver and can vary in frequency fluctuating costs. To keep our prices as low as possible, each tyre puncture or unfair wear and tear replacement is required to be paid for by the customer. If you get a puncture, ask for roadside assistance at 0333 016 4331, and arrange to have the tyre replaced at your cost.
At Splend, we recommend replacing tyres when the tread depth reaches 2 millimeters. To measure the tread depth, take a 20p coin and insert it into the tread grooves on the tyre. If the outer band of the 20p coin is visible, you should book your car in for a tyre swap.
You can book an appointment to have your replacement parts fitted via the Splend app or on 0333 016 4331. However, it’s your responsibility to cover all repairs not under warranty, including but not limited to bodywork, glass, or tyre damage, and all other non-wear-and-tear items
We operate in accordance with the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) Fair Wear and Tear Guide; wear and tear that’s reasonable given your car’s age/mileage.
If your car shows damage outside the fair wear and tear definitions, you must have them repaired at your own cost. Here are some common examples:
Bodywork damage
Large paint scratches (over 25mm)
Scuffed bumpers or wheel-arches
Dented roof or sills
Cracked plastic parts
Poor repair jobs
Damaged seats or interior trim
The subscription agreement and the included damage and loss don’t cover any damage to the windscreen.
Smaller cracks or chips in Zone A, or any damage larger than 40mm elsewhere on the windscreen deem the car unroadworthy, so these need to be fixed immediately. If you find chips or cracks 5mm or larger, you should book a service appointment as soon as possible, as these might spread and cause greater damage.
You can get your car serviced at:
Kwik Fit - Driver's Local - servicing & MOT
Splend customers enjoy 24/7 roadside assistance.
If your car breaks down, call 0333 016 4331 and request roadside assistance. They will ensure you’re back on the road as soon as possible. If your car needs to be off the road for warranty repairs you'll be entitled to a free PCO-approved courtesy car.
Your first payment can have up to three components:
Setup fee
There’s a one-time, setup fee that is payable when signing up to your Felci Own plan.
The setup fee is non-refundable.
Collection day fee
This is your weekly plan fee for the days left of the first week, including the day you pick up the car.
For example, if you pick up the car on a Friday, we only charge you three days instead of a full weekly fee.
One week upfront weekly fee
At Splend, we consider your application even if you have bad credit. However, we can only do this by collecting your payments one week in advance – you’re always paying next week’s fee each time we charge your card.
If you collect your car on billing day (Thursday) or later into the week, we also charge you your first full week’s fee, in addition to the setup fee and the collection day fee.
Splend makes car ownership easier, more affordable and more accessible for PCO drivers by building everything they need to earn more, pay less and stress less into one affordable weekly payment.
Your weekly payment not only covers the cost of the car (think about this as what you would pay a finance company to pay off a car you bought and financed the ordinary way) but also covers all the essential ongoing costs associated with owning and operating a PCO car. These include: Road Tax, MOT, PHV licence, PHV damage and loss cover, scheduled servicing, ongoing maintenance items (like replacement tyres and brakes), 24/7 roadside assistance, access to an PCO-approved courtesy car if your car is damaged in an accident or needs to be repaired due to a warranty issue, plus other exclusive Splend driver benefits.
PCN notices
Since the car is registered to Splend’s, any Penalty Charge Notices you get will automatically be directed to us. We redirect these to you in case you want to challenge them. We charge a £15 admin fee for each PCN you receive.
Any charges for using toll roads, tunnels, and bridges such as the Dartford crossing are your responsibility to manage and pay. If you fail to pay any of these charges, you’ll likely get a PCN notice.
Excess mileage
If you want to drive over the weekly mileage allowance to increase your rideshare income, there’s a 20p charge for every mile you travel over the 1000 miles included in your plan, however all excess mileage charges go towards early ownership of your vehicle.
We charge excess mileage in arrears for the week before last and add it to your weekly invoice.
Flexi own upgrade
If you upgrade your Flexi Try plan to a Flexi own plan, there is a £100 one-off charge.
Your Flexi Own weekly payment includes a capped weekly driving allowance - please refer to your agreement or check with our customer support team. We charge a 20p per mile early ownership fee for any excess mileage, which brings forward the finish date of your agreement. In other words, the more you drive, the sooner you gain full ownership of the car.
You can reduce the length of your 4-year Flexi Own term this way by a maximum of 52 weeks, so the earliest you can own your car on a Flexi Own plan for a new car is 3 years (our pre-owned vehicles can be owned sooner as the mileage/age of the car is taken into account in the initial term calculation).
We charge your nominated debit or credit card every Wednesday night for the following week (Monday-Sunday).
We typically charge a £19 late payment fee for any missed payments. If you think you’ll miss a payment, please call and ask to speak with our payments team. We’ll work with you to try and come up with alternative payment terms. If you are unable to settle a missed payment, your agreement may be terminated and any charges will be billed (including minimum period).
Yes, you need to pay the full setup fee again.
Our Flexi Own program is designed for drivers that want to own their own vehicle. We understand that circumstances can sometimes change, so with Flexi Own we allow drivers to return their vehicle after a minimum period of time is this is the case.
We have a 26-week minimum term (for 4 year plans) and a 52-week minimum term (for 5 year plans), with 4 weeks’ notice required to end the agreement after this minimum term ends. Note that if the car is returned inside the minimum period, there is a minimum period charge payable (refer below).
For those customers who would like to upgrade/change their vehicle and remain a Splend customer, they can enquire with their Splend representative once they have reached at least 50% of their ownership term.
In order to return your car, you must give notice – in writing – as requirewd under your subsciption agreement to your Customer support representative.
There are no fees charged if you decide to return your car after the minimum term is served, and everything else is in order (see below for details).
If you return the car before the minimum term is completed, you'll need to pay a Depreciation and remarketing fee, and a usage fee for the miles you have driven. The notice period in your contract still applies.
We may need to charge for re-charging if you return the car with less charge than you took it out on.
A cleaning fee may also apply if the car requires further cleaning.
If you return the car with damage outside what is accepted in the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear Guide, you must have the car repaired at your own cost.
If you need to return your car within the minimum period, you'll need to pay a Depreciation and remarketing fee, and a usage fee for the miles you have driven. The notice period in your contract still applies.
At the completion of your Flexi own agreement, we charge a £199 balloon payment for changing the V5C registration document into your name and the ownership of the car can be transferred to you.
Splend’s Flexi Own fee includes government, registration, PHV licencing and damage and loss charge elements that are outside of our control. If any of these charges change, we may need to increase or decrease your weekly fees by this amount.
Change the way you own for good
See why Used Flexi Own is our recommended plan for PCO drivers.
What do our members have to say about Splend?
*T&C's apply, Price based on a £75 Uber Clean Air Plan (CAP) per week reduction. Once CAP runs out, payment return to original price. Subject to availability. For more information visit our FAQ's